The Original Tankhouse Recipe.
I saved this recipe off one of the Toronto Brewers forums many many years ago. Back when Tankhouse Ale tasted like a good beer. The beer you taste today tastes nothing like it did before.
I've brewed this many times of the years, and it always comes out excellent. You're Welcome.
Pape House Pale Ale
(23 Litres)3 kg 2-row
500gm Crystal (no L mentioned)
500gm Flaked Barley
500gm Wheat malt
25 gm Black malt45 gm Cascade (60)
7 gm Cascage (30)
7 gm Cascade (20)
30 gm Cascade (end)Water Treatment (H3P04,CaSO4,MgSO4) no amounts given
Yeast: London Ale (starter made)
FG:1.009Mash 90 min 66-71C
10 days @ 15C Primary
5 days @ 15C SecondaryThis is rumoured to be Duggan's original homebrew recipe for Mill Street's Tank House Ale!